Daycare 101
Happy Snoutz Newsletter
Looking for Day Care for your pup?
Finding the best day care facility for your pet can be quite tedious, and it should be! You want to be completely confident your pup will be in good hands. It’s important to understand that, based on your pet’s needs, they may not be the best fit for certain facilities or vice versa. My recommendations are to take all the steps necessary to ease your mind and
ensure the perfect place for your pet.
A quick and easy way to get familiar with a facility is online. Visiting the website gives owners an overview on how the day care may work along with their basic contact information. If they are on a common social media platform as you, check it out! You’d be surprised at the information one could acquire by doing some simple research. This goes for reviews as well. Read through a few. What is it people love most? What are some cons you may have read? Reading through these may lead you to ask more questions. It does not always mean you need rule the day care out; it just means you may have to dig a little deeper. The next step would be to give them a call and have them answer anything that could have puzzled you and while you’re at it, schedule a tour of the location! Internet access allows for quick information that is especially beneficial when you’re having to do lengthy research on a place your furbaby will be attending regularly.